Travel Tips

Travel Tips For Skiing In Japan

If you are planning to go skiing in Japan, there are a number of tips that you should probably keep in mind. These are just some of the tips that you should take into consideration if you plan to hit the slopes in Japan on your next trip.

Where do you go for snow?

Japan has approximately 500 different ski resorts. The two main regions that you are going to hear people talk about are Hokkaido and Nagano. These are the two most popular places for Australian tourists to visit. Especially Hokkaido offers some of the best snow on the planet. Every single season the region receives more than 14 meters of snow. Perhaps even more important, both regions speak relatively good English!

You want to embrace the onsen

Despite the fact that it may feel uncomfortable at first, remember that any good Japanese ski resort has an onsen. This means that hot thermal springs are pumped into indoor and outdoor pools. This is an amazing experience that you are not going to have anywhere other than in Japan.

Make sure that you have cash

When you think of Japan, you think of the land of technological breakthroughs. However, finding an ATM near your ski resort may prove to be next to impossible. In fact, many places in Japan will not even accept credit cards. Make sure that you get yen at the airport, because Japan is a cash society.

The nightlife is less than stellar

Unless you follow most other Aussies into Hakuba or Niseko, the Japanese mountains do not offer a great deal of nightlife. When the Japanese take a ski holiday, it is about eating, the onsen, and skiing. If you want to find some active nightlife options, you are going to have to look for them specifically.

Author Bio: Snowcapped Tours specialises in providing individual domestic and international ski holiday packages that cater for all levels of skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts at some of the best prices in the market.

The experienced team at Snowcapped Tours is renowned for providing the highest level of customer service and exceeding client expectations.

Contact Snowcapped Tours at and let them find the best ski holiday packages for you.

Jesse Semmens is a full time traveler and part time travel blogger who love to explore new places around the world and have traveled half of the globe till now.

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