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Tips For Riding In Rough Weather

Being a cyclist in the UK is great. The only problem you face while riding bike safely in UK is the wet surface due to weather conditions. It does rain alot in the UK, but this needn’t dampen the fun of cycling. Cycling in the rain is part and parcel of being a UK cyclist, and needn’t present any problems, as long as you take the right precautions. Although you might be cycling in the rain, you should do all you can to avoid getting yourself, and your clothes, wet. You might wear cycle shoes, which are designed to grip tightly to your pedals. If these get wet, they can become uncomfortable and undermine your safety. You can waterproof your shoes by covering them with neoprene coverings, which just happen to be what wetsuits are made of.

Of course if you’re in the rain, you’ve got to adapt your style of riding. The road will be slippier, and crucially visibility will not be as great. Visibility is particularly important, and you should avoid wearing darker coloured glasses. It’s not just rain you’re contending with, but also fog and road spray, as well as motorists and other cyclists.

Your choice of bike will make a difference too. Some mountain bikes are more apt to cope with the rain than others. You can improve how your bike performs in the rain by making certain additions, like changing the tyres or adding fenders.

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